Ep. 80: The Demise of Jezebel

Welcome back! It’s been about a month since our last episode and I am so excited to share with you today! This teaching starts with a sweet song called “Behold the Beauty,” which invites us into the throne room to gaze upon our Lord. From that posture, with our eyes fixed on Jesus, we’ll delve into a history of Jezebel, a principality first seen in the Old Testament. We’ll learn how it can exploit our woundedness, disappointments, and unforgiveness as it counterfeits the voice of the Holy Spirit and leads ultimately to witchcraft. But the Lord is bringing revelation and healing to His Bride, showing us how we can identify it in our lives as we move from a position of defense to offense!

Today I’ll share some stories of Jezebel encounters from my own life, starting in childhood and into ministry today. Additionally, you’ll hear my testimony from a recent retreat out West where I found even deeper healing, along with a reminder of the beautiful peace we can access through Jesus—especially when “turbulence” hits!

You won’t want to miss this special teaching and the additional video clips and book passage I’ve shared in the show notes. (And keep your eyes peeled for the delightful cameo appearances of our neighborhood deer in the background!)


Resources from Today’s Episode

The following is an excerpt from Chariot of Fire: Elijah of the Last Days by Martha Kilpatrick


The universe is not about right versus wrong,
Nor even good and evil.

The meaning of the universe,
The purpose of the whole creation,
Is Love.
And the assault of its opposition: Hate.

Love and hate are not feelings. Not philosophies.
Love and hate
Are two spiritual beings in the universe. 
They are actually God, Who is LOVE; 
And Satan, who is Hate.

Hate came into Eden and suggested that LOVE did not love.
And those pure two who lived within the caress of LOVE,
Began to lose - through Hate - LOVE's covering. 
And they were made naked and ashamed.

They entered Hate by
Receiving its thoughts 
Of contempt for LOVE.

Now the lowly clay is born knowing how to Hate the Potter, 
Just because He is the Potter.
From childhood wounds, by adult disappointments,
Bitterness with God festers and multiplies
By streams of Hate's unforgiving thoughts until
The flood rises and the soul is
Drowned under the hatred of God...

Then amazingly, the hate-filled person rises
To "serve" Him he hates!
"Those who hate the Lord would pretend obedience to Him."
Psalm 81:15

The person who becomes entangled with Jezebel-evil
Is a person who harbors in secret...
An underlying and excessive hatred for God.
And... the motive to murder Him.

Jezebel-captives are God-haters who want to control
What God failed to manage, 
To pay back what He would not avenge.
And whose fury at the world is sure evidence
Of rage with God for personal wrongs and pains.

Sinners did not kill God on the cross.
It was the religious sons of hell,
The God-haters, who devised it.
Liars who forgot they hate God.
Imposters who kill Him while hailing His name.

Whether religion is atheism or Christianity,
Or all in between,
Jezebel-servers run as religious zealots
To the places where they can best get at God,
To wreck and ravage His sheep.
And that is usually right in the middle of
The church.

The prime target of Jezebel-killers are the 
Succulent lambs who love LOVE...


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