Holy Habitation – New Song Release

Today I’d like to share another song with you called Holy Habitation. Like some others the Lord has given me, this song was born spontaneously in the midst of worship!

As you listen, you’ll hear the song begins, “the place where you dwell is holy ground, the place where you dwell is holy.” I first started singing that line years ago in worship. I used it as a tag when we would come out of another song called Holy Ground written by my friend Brad Richardson.

The place where you dwell is holy ground, the place where you dwell is holy

Well, one day in worship we began to transition from that song into the next. As I started singing my little bridge, the rest of the song just downloaded!

I went ahead and put it together and recorded it. The cool thing was when my daughter, who was on the worship team with me many years growing up (and had heard me sing that tag plenty of times) noted, “I always knew that was going to become a song, Mom!” She was right!

Stay tuned — I’ll be back soon with more episodes of Tuesdays with Tina!



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