I Long to Be Lost in Your Gaze – New Song Release

But we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18 (NASB)

In Episode 17 I shared one of the most powerful visions the Lord has ever revealed to me. I saw Jesus in His throne room and found myself lost in the gaze of His eyes, overwhelmed by His love. The song I’m releasing today came out of that vision.

The first part came back in 2005 or so during worship. As I sang, I saw that picture of his face and his eyes again in my mind and sang out, “I long to be lost in your gaze.” Since then, that picture of Jesus and those words have come up again and again. However, the song was left unfinished until the shutdown of 2020 when the rest of the download happened!

This song, born from that vision of Jesus, has touched many. One example that I’ll never forget came from a veteran in our church who was struggling with homelessness and alcoholism. After our worship service he came up to me with tears in his eyes⁠—barely able to speak⁠—and told me that he saw Jesus on His throne! He saw the love in His eyes.

It changes you when you see it. Because it’s Him.

I believe this song carries the anointing of that encounter I had with Jesus in His throne room. I pray that you too will be changed by the love of Jesus… with just one look of Him!


P.S. We’ll be back next week from our break with new episodes of Tuesdays with Tina. See you soon!


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