Join me today for Part 3 of The Watchman Anointing. We’ll talk about the different purposes for watchmen, the types of burdens they can carry, and how to discover the unique callings we each have as intercessors.
The watchman anointing is an awesome honor and gift from the Lord. With it, we can lean in to pray for those things that are already on God’s heart as we remind Him of His promises throughout scripture. I’ll also share a few powerful stories of times the Lord has revealed warnings to me, and how prayer has thwarted the plans of the enemy!
My prayer today is that YOU will be released in a deeper place of intercession to find your strategic place as a “watchman on the wall!”
You won’t want to miss the incredible resources and clips I have shared along with today’s teaching as well. Be sure to scroll down to learn more about what the Lord is doing throughout his body, and how we can continue to pray for his will to be done!
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