Author: tinaw

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt

I’m thrilled to share today’s special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering Angels, and more, lays a solid theological foundation for the role of angels in God’s kingdom. She also shares powerful testimonies of real-life encounters with these heavenly […]

Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan

Today’s focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of Jezebel, which we explored in previous weeks, Leviathan can infiltrate our lives through our own wounds and unforgiveness.

Ep. 80: The Demise of Jezebel

Welcome back! It’s been about a month since our last episode and I am so excited to share with you today! This teaching starts with a sweet song called “Behold the Beauty,” which invites us into the throne room to gaze upon our Lord. From that posture, with our eyes fixed on Jesus, we’ll delve […]

Ep. 75: Justice in the Storm

If we look back through the pages of history, the unfolding of God’s justice emerges as a mighty force on this side of the final judgment. Psalm 91, verse 8 states, “You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.”