Category: Teaching

Episode 35: Exposing the Tactics of Satan in Our Time, Part V

As we share the word of God in boldness and “arise and shine,” we will see works of the kingdom follow. Today you’ll hear a powerful healing testimony from Blanche, along with assurance that we can walk in boldness and deliverance from fear when we follow Jesus. You won’t want to miss this!

Episode 28: The Holy Spirit, Part II

In the final days of Jesus’ life on earth there were many times the disciples found themselves gripped by fear. Even though Jesus had told them what was to come, they did not understand. It wasn’t until Pentecost, while the disciples gathered together in the upper room, that the Holy Spirit fell and powerfully drove out all of their fear. They were instantly filled with a boldness and passion that enabled them to step out and proclaim the gospel, leading to the birth of the church.

Episode 12: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit and Angels

When I was 19 years old, I experienced a vision so striking that it would shape my life to this day. As we continue in the series, The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit and Angels, I will share what I saw in that vision and what it means regarding what’s happening in our world today. About […]