Category: Worship

Ep. 70: Shalom in the Storm

A journey through the second half of Psalm 91:5, specifically focused on the arrow. Explore the characteristics of arrows – their deadliness, accuracy, and use as warning signs – and draw parallels to figurative arrows found in scripture, representing God’s conviction and judgment as well as false accusations and the snares of the enemy.

“Be Still”

Over the past weeks, we’ve heard warnings of a great ‘shaking’ that was to come. It’s clear that shaking is now here. In light of the horrific war that is unfolding in Israel, I want to pause my usual teaching this week to bring you a song that has been on my heart, called Be Still.

Song of the Bride

Today I’m sharing a song from one of my very first albums. The Song of the Bride speaks to the beautiful transformation we experience when we pick up our cross and die to ourselves, being made one with Christ through his suffering and love.

Ep. 50: Waves of Glory!

Reports of revival continue to break out as this new wave of the God’s glory spreads across the globe. I can’t help but think back to the dream the Lord gave me in 1994, just before the Toronto revival, where I saw a tidal wave His glory crashing over me. On today’s episode, I’ll share that dream, along with some encouraging testimonies from the current outpourings at Asbury University and more!

Episode 40: A Selah Moment

Today calls for a “Selah” moment—a time to pause and reflect. Following some heavy topics over the past few weeks, the Lord put it on my heart to spend this episode in praise and worship.

I’ll open up with a short teaching on the tabernacle of Moses as we look at the steps God laid out for sinful people to approach a Holy God. Now, because of what Jesus has done on the cross, the veil is torn and we can enter into that Holy of Holies to be with the Lord! So let’s do that today, symbolically, as we pause and reflect on who Jesus is and worship at his throne.