Episode 09: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit, and Angels

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to be back with you for Tuesdays with Tina after the holiday break! The Lord and his angels have been at work in incredible ways, not only in my life but in the lives of so many of you.

Today we’re picking up on the teaching series, The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit, and Angels with a special Facebook Livestream edition, where I’ll be joined by my good friend Blanche Heidengren who has a powerful testimony of her own to share! (This is our first time using Facebook Live for Tuesdays with Tina, so please bear with us as the video and audio quality are not the best!)

Angel Encounter During Soaking Prayer

Plus, catch Nigel Mumford‘s latest soaking prayer livestream for a special angel encounter during his prayer to cast out all anxiety to replace it with joy!

Do you see it?!

Praying for healing from COVID

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer for COVID, please watch this incredible video by Ken Fish of Orbis School of Ministry for a powerful insight from the Word of God and prayer strategy.

Great Books about Angels

For further reading on the topic of angels, I highly recommend the following books referenced in today’s episode:

Thank you for your prayers and support! See you next week!

In Him,

2 thoughts on “Episode 09: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit, and Angels

  1. Pingback: Episode 16: Testimonies of Healing from COVID-19 - The Healing Oil

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