Episode 39: Exposing the Tactics of Satan in Our Time, Part IX

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We’ve made it to Part 9 in our series, Exposing the Tactics of Satan in Our Time. Today’s episode will confront a growing philosophical movement that aims to use technology to enhance the human species. Known as “transhumanism,” this line of thought can tempt us to believe we can (and should) become “like gods.” If this sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, you’re on the right track!

Katie joins us again to share more about her personal journey of growth in this season, plus we’ll hear a testimony of breaking through spiritual warfare by keeping our eyes fixed on Christ.

So get ready today for some spooky predictions from thought leaders in the transhumanism movement, along with the hope we find in scripture. We can prevail by finding our identity in the one true God who knows us and knit us together in our mother’s womb!

We have some great resources and additional videos in our show notes below, including a link to the new movie The Real Anthony Fauci which is available to watch free beginning today through October 27th (with signup). Be sure to scroll down to see more!


Painting: Fire at The Point

Resources from Today’s Episode

The Real Anthony Fauci Movie is available for Free for the next 10 days! Just sign up at their website to watch.


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