Episode 29: Worship at the Feet

How do you get to know a person? There are many ways, but one of the simplest is to just spend time with them and listen to what they have to say. Mary of Bethany shows us a beautiful example of this in the Bible, as she sits at the feet of Jesus to listen to his teaching. In this episode of Tuesdays with Tina, I’ll share how we can find our own way to the feet of Jesus, spending time with him and listening for the voice of his Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts.


Worship Lyrics

Worship at the Feet of Jesus
Words and Music by Pam Melchin (c) 1992

Worship at the feet of Jesus
Worship at the feet of Jesus
He is calling,
He is calling us to worship Him

It's glorious at the feet of Jesus
Find salvation at the feet of Jesus
There is healing at His feet
There is healing in His wings
There is healing,
There is healing in His Name
Healing in His mighty Name

Bow before the feet of Jesus
And weep before the throne of Jesus
Fall down on your knees 
And worship at His feet
For He is worthy,
He is worthy of all praise 
Worthy of all praise of men
Through the Veil
Words and music by Tina Wurschmidt

Lord make my heart, make my heart
An altar of worship at Your feet
Lord make my heart, make my heart
Yielded before Your Mercy Seat

You take me through the veil
By the blood of the Lamb
Seated before the great I Am
Receiving Your mercy and grace from above
Ooh sweet fragrance of Your love
Ooh sweet fragrance of Your love
Lord make my life, make my life

A vessel of honor to Your name
Lord make my life, make my life
Reflect Your glory and give you fame

Make me little and unknown to be loved by God alone
Make me little and unknown to be loved by God alone (2x)
Make me little and unknown to be loved by God alone
Make me little and unknown to loved by God alone. (rep

Additional Resources


Adoration: Mary of Bethany- The Untold Story: Martha Kilpatrick


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Catch up on previous episodes

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Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
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Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
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Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
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Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
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Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
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Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
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Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
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Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
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