REPOST: Ep. 34 – Exposing the Tactics of Satan in our Time

It’s no secret that the topic of vaccines can divide families around the Thanksgiving dinner table. But when approached with gentleness and truth, it doesn’t have to. In this week’s re-broadcast of Episode 34, Blanche and I fearlessly dive into the topic of vaccines and COVID-19 hospital protocols. In this conversation, you’ll hear a nuanced and hopeful perspective reminding us that we don’t need to walk in fear and can trust in God to bring us hope and healing.

Since posting this video over one year ago, this controversial topic has shifted into mainstream dialogue. The lies and harm caused by Big Pharma continue to be exposed, as more and more data comes to light. I have more I want to share on this in the coming weeks, but until then, this episode offers an informative background and context. I hope you’ll take some time to listen to this encouraging conversation!

If you’d like to learn more, Hillsdale College has released a Big Pharma video series with even more information. You can view those by signing up at this link.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


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