Tag: holy spirit

Episode 28: The Holy Spirit, Part II

In the final days of Jesus’ life on earth there were many times the disciples found themselves gripped by fear. Even though Jesus had told them what was to come, they did not understand. It wasn’t until Pentecost, while the disciples gathered together in the upper room, that the Holy Spirit fell and powerfully drove out all of their fear. They were instantly filled with a boldness and passion that enabled them to step out and proclaim the gospel, leading to the birth of the church.

Episode 26: The Holy Spirit

The past two weeks’ episodes were packed with amazing stories and conversation about the Kingdom with my dear friends Terry and Patti Devlin. These messages were so rich that I want to take this week to step back and really deep dive into the role the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. In a world driven by fear, we can take heart in knowing the Holy Spirit is there to guide our steps each day.