Tag: satan

Episode 39: Exposing the Tactics of Satan in Our Time, Part IX

Today’s episode will confront a growing philosophical movement that aims to use technology to enhance the human species. Known as “transhumanism,” this line of thought can tempt us to believe we can (and should) become “like gods.” If this sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, you’re on the right track!

Episode 35: Exposing the Tactics of Satan in Our Time, Part V

As we share the word of God in boldness and “arise and shine,” we will see works of the kingdom follow. Today you’ll hear a powerful healing testimony from Blanche, along with assurance that we can walk in boldness and deliverance from fear when we follow Jesus. You won’t want to miss this!

Episode 33: Exposing the Tactics of Satan in Our Time, Part III

Last week, Blanche and I shared personal testimonies of “faith over fear” at times when we were faced with the loss of a loved one. So many of you reached out saying how encouraged you were by that episode. I have asked Blanche to join us again today to share even more, including stories of two incredible angelic encounters (check out Episode 13 for more on this topic).

Episode 32: Exposing the Tactics of Satan in Our Time

One of the oldest and most common strategies of the enemy is fear. Whether it’s fear of a pandemic and world events or the fear of death, we can overcome it all through faith in Christ. Today we’ll be sharing our own personal testimonies of how the Lord did just that in each of our lives.