Tag: worship

Episode 30: Worship at the Feet, Part II

Each time we see Mary of Bethany she is at the feet of Jesus. She sat at his feet for instruction, she fell at his feet in suffering, she anointed his feet for burial, and she wiped his feet in gratitude. In today’s episode of Tuesday’s with Tina we’ll explore these beautiful examples of intimacy and adoration. Plus, the Lord put it on my heart to share my own Mary of Bethany moment

Episode 29: Worship at the Feet

How do you get to know a person? There are many ways, but one of the simplest is to just spend time with them and listen to what they have to say. Mary of Bethany shows us a beautiful example of this in the Bible, as she sits at the feet of Jesus to listen to his teaching. In this episode of Tuesdays with Tina, I’ll share how we can find our own way to the feet of Jesus, spending time with him and listening for the voice of his Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts.

Episode 03: The Secret Place

It’s hard to find a Psalm more relevant to our day than Psalm 91. Written during a pandemic, this passage offers incredible encouragement for us today. In this episode of Tuesdays with Tina we will soak in the promises of God found in this Psalm, finding powerful assurances of his protection when fear and death surround us.