Ep 43: The Watchman Anointing – Part 2

Coming off the heels of the midterm elections, Amy joins us today for a conversation about the power of governmental intercession. This episode is Part 2 of our new series on The Watchman Anointing (view Part 1 here).

As “watchmen on the wall,” we stand with the anointed shield of faith to deflect the arrows of the enemy and pray into what the Lord is doing in our nation. Today, Amy challenges us to ask God what He is encouraging us to do. Whether it’s prayer, fasting or diving into the Word, we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we pray for our governmental leaders and those influencing the political realm. With our faith in Jesus we don’t need to be discouraged by what we see around us. We know Jesus sits on the throne, and continue to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit because that is what will save America!

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Catch up on previous episodes

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Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
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Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
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