Episode 12: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit and Angels

When I was 19 years old, I experienced a vision so striking that it would shape my life to this day. As we continue in the series, The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit and Angels, I will share what I saw in that vision and what it means regarding what’s happening in our world today.

About 10 minutes into today’s episode, I reference a video by Kelsey O’Malley. Scroll down to watch!

There is warfare taking place in the heavenly realms as the enemy attempts to prematurely bring about the final battle. So now, more than ever, we must pray for those who are under the deception of evil. We must be an example of love and forgiveness, not walking in condemnation but in mercy and grace as we prepare for the harvest that is coming.


Video testimony referenced at 10:30

Worship Lyrics

Who is This Coming Out of the Wilderness
Words and music by Tina Wurschmidt/Sheri Turnbull 2020

Who is this? Who is this?
Coming out of the wilderness
Leaning on her beloved
Leaning on her beloved

Arise, shine, for your light has come
Arise, shine, for My glory has risen upon you

Heaven come down, Heaven come down
Lord let your Kingdom come
Touch the glory rising in us
Touch the glory rising in us

City on a hill, shine

Awake oh daughter
Awake oh son
And arise

Book referenced in today’s episode

The Song of the Bride, by Jeanne Guyon

Episode 11: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit and Angels, Part VII

God is doing an incredible work in his people! During times of trial and trauma he calls us into the wilderness to be near to him. As we draw close to God, he works within our hearts to change us and make us more like himself.

Who is this coming up from the wilderness leaning on her beloved?

Song of Solomon 8:5 (NIV)

In today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina, I’ll share how God has given us keys of revelation to pray for healing and deliverance from fear. Plus, I’ll share even more stories about how we can be changed by God’s Holy Spirit when we draw close to him. Just like a butterfly, we will emerge transformed!

In Him,

Worship Lyrics

Who is This Coming Out of the Wilderness
Words and music by Tina Wurschmidt/Sheri Turnbull 2020

Who is this? Who is this?
Coming out of the wilderness
Leaning on her beloved
Leaning on her beloved

Arise, shine, for your light has come
Arise, shine, for My glory has risen upon you

Heaven come down, Heaven come down
Lord let your Kingdom come
Touch the glory rising in us
Touch the glory rising in us

City on a hill, shine

Awake oh daughter
Awake oh son
And arise

Additional Videos and Resources

I’m re-sharing a couple of these incredible prayer resources that serve as great tools and strategies for us to pray for anyone suffering from COVID-19 or the fear surrounding it. I encourage you to watch these videos below if you have not yet!

Listen to this powerful and effective prayer for healing from COVID-19 and respiratory conditions by The Praying Medic

Ken Fish offers a great prayer strategy for anyone fighting COVID-19 in the video below.

Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …
Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …

Episode 10: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit and Angels, Part VI

The Lord is releasing healing angels! Today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina is jam-packed with stories of God’s healing power. I’ll be sharing experiences from just this past week, as well as powerful encounters that have stuck with me throughout my time in ministry.

And wouldn’t you know it, but after my last episode where I talk about making God our “Plan A” and not being ruled by fear, I was challenged myself to do these very things! All this and more in today’s sixth teaching from the series The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit and Angels.

If you’d like to learn more about the work of our ministry in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I invite you to visit Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship and Veteran’s Home (shepheart.org) Also, please take some time to explore the videos and book linked below.

Have a great week!

Worship Lyrics

Jesus, Ruler of the Universe
Words and Music by Tina Wurschmidt

You’re the firstborn of Creation
Maker of the heavens and the earth
You’re the light that dispels darkness
The breath of life within me
That brings new birth

Jesus, Jesus there is no one like You
There is none beside You

Jesus, Jesus, ruler of the universe 
King of all the nation
Jesus, Jesus Oh

You’re the fullness of the Father
Perfect image of His glory
In His Love

By Your blood You have restored us
To the purpose of the Father
From above

In You all things are made new
In You all things are made new
In You all things are made new, Jesus
Words and Music by Brad Richardson

Standing here before Your fire burning
I hear Your voice, Here I am
I have seen Your glory and I'm yearning
To do Your will, Here I am

You are holy,
I'm standing on holy ground
You are holy,
I'm standing on holy ground
Holy ground

You have heard the heart cry of Your people
You will deliver, You have redeemed
You have gone before us and behind us
To acquire this promised land

The Praying Medic

Listen to this powerful and effective prayer for healing from COVID-19 and respiratory conditions.

Praying for COVID-19 with Ken Fish

I’m sharing this powerful video again this week in case you missed it. Ken Fish offers a great prayer strategy for anyone fighting COVID-19.

Books Referenced in Today’s Episode

The Dancing Hand of God, Volume 1: Unveiling the Fullness of God Through Apostolic Signs, Wonders and Miracles: James Maloney

Episode 09: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit, and Angels

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to be back with you for Tuesdays with Tina after the holiday break! The Lord and his angels have been at work in incredible ways, not only in my life but in the lives of so many of you.

Today we’re picking up on the teaching series, The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit, and Angels with a special Facebook Livestream edition, where I’ll be joined by my good friend Blanche Heidengren who has a powerful testimony of her own to share! (This is our first time using Facebook Live for Tuesdays with Tina, so please bear with us as the video and audio quality are not the best!)

Angel Encounter During Soaking Prayer

Plus, catch Nigel Mumford‘s latest soaking prayer livestream for a special angel encounter during his prayer to cast out all anxiety to replace it with joy!

Do you see it?!

Praying for healing from COVID

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer for COVID, please watch this incredible video by Ken Fish of Orbis School of Ministry for a powerful insight from the Word of God and prayer strategy.

Great Books about Angels

For further reading on the topic of angels, I highly recommend the following books referenced in today’s episode:

Thank you for your prayers and support! See you next week!

In Him,

Episode 08: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit, and Angels, Part IV

In the season of Advent we expectantly await and celebrate Christ’s coming. First, as a child at Christmas and ultimately at His Second Coming. As we continue this series on angels, we’ll look at the Angel Gabriel who appears throughout the scriptures and is always pointing to the coming messiah. We’ll see the most notable example when he appears to Mary, and more instances throughout the Old and New Testaments as well.

I’m also going to share a personal testimony of a time when I encountered an angel during the Denver Christmas Eve blizzard of ’82. It’s amazing to see how the Lord provided exactly what I had prayed for and needed at that time!

I will be taking a couple weeks off from Tuesdays with Tina for Christmas. During this time, I’ll be resharing previous episodes for anyone who would like to catch up and invite you to explore past teachings you may have missed. I’ll be back with new videos on the Tuesday after Epiphany, January 11th 2022.

Merry Christmas!

New Here?

Learn more about Tuesdays with Tina and catch up on past episodes by visiting the homepage or subscribing for weekly email updates.

Worship Lyrics

Join me in worship by following along to the lyrics below.

Angels We Have Heard on High

Angels we have heard on high 
Sweetly singing o'er the plains
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains

In excelsis Deo
In excelsis Deo

Shepherds why this jubilee
Why your joyous strains prolong
What the gladsom tidings be
Which inspire your heavn'ly song

Come to Bethlehem and see
Christ whose birth the angels sing
Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord the newborn king

See Him in a manger laid
Whom the choirs of angels praise
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid
While our hearts in love we raise

Books referenced in this episode:

Angels Are for Real: Inspiring, True Stories and Biblical Answers; Judith MacNutt

Encountering Angels: True Stories of How They Touch Our Lives Every Day; Judith MacNutt

Creation And Blessing: A Guide To The Study And Exposition Of Genesis; Allen P. Ross

The Blizzard of 1982

From The Denver Post: The Blizzard of 1982 in Colorado descended upon the state on Christmas Eve, continuing through Christmas Day, and once it was finished, dumped three feet of snow in total.

View the photos below to see for yourself!

Photos: The Denver Post

Where were you during the Blizzard of ’82? Leave a comment below!

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Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …

Episode 07: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit, and Angels, Part III – Testimonies & Angel Stories

Throughout the Bible, angels are used in mighty ways as God’s messengers. In fact, both the original Hebrew and Greek words for “angel” that are found in the Bible can be translated as “messenger.” In this episode of Tuesdays with Tina, I’m going to share one such message that was delivered personally to me by an angel and how it impacted our ministry.

During Part I and Part II of this series, I talked about God’s Kingdom and his Holy Spirit. Please take some time to catch up on those teachings since they lay the groundwork for talking about angels and the Lord’s purpose for them.

I feel led today to share a testimony of what God has been doing most recently in my life. I know many of us have felt spiritual oppression lately, some even in a physical sense. I pray that this message will release a refreshing of the Holy Spirit to you and will lift any burdens you may be carrying.

My prayer is that you will be not only be filled up, but that you would experience a perpetual spring of living water coming from within. Just like the image of the artesian well that flows continually by the pressure coming from above, may His living water become in us “a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” by the Holy Spirit (John 4:14 NKJV).

Illustration of an Artesian Well in which water is under pressure from above causing the water to flow to the surface naturally, without a pump. Just like this well, Jesus promises us that the living water he gives us “will become in [us] a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14 NKJV

The prophetic word by Nate & Christy that I shared today can be found at their website: Christy’s A letter for the new breed – He has been UNTANGLING you in 2021. The books I referenced in this episode are Angels Are for Real: Inspiring, True Stories and Biblical Answers; Judith MacNutt and Encountering Angels: True Stories of How They Touch Our Lives Every Day; Judith MacNutt.

Follow along with me in worship using the lyrics below.

By the Blood of the Lamb
Words and Music by Brad Richardson

By the blood of the lamb
And the word of our testimony
We have overcome

And we love not our lives unto death
By his Spirit we enter His rest

For it’s not by might and it’s not by power, 
But by my Spirit says the Lord

And we stand in the armor of God
For the battle belongs to the Lord
Fill Me Up
Will Reagan

You provide the fire
And I’ll provide the sacrifice
You provide the Spirit
And I will open up inside

Fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up

Love of God overflow
Permeate all my soul

See you next week where we will hear more about God’s purposes for angels in His Creation, along with more stories!



Subscribe via email to receive each episode of Tuesdays with Tina straight to your inbox once it’s published. Enter your email address below.


Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …
Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …

Episode 06: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit, and Angels, Part II

I hope you have had a chance this week to spend some time in John chapter 3, the story of Nicodemus and his encounter with Jesus. Nicodemus is a man who comes to Jesus with questions, ones that prompt Jesus to speak some of his most well-known words about the Kingdom, everlasting life and what it means to be “born again.”

This interaction is beautifully captured in a dialogue in the recent TV series, The Chosen, which is where we’ll start off today. This 10-minute scene imagines how this conversation may have happened between Nicodemus and Jesus. It’s a moving representation Jesus’ words from John 3.

When prompted in my video, please hit pause and click here to watch this powerful scene beginning at 35:27 –> https://youtu.be/5fldru4OUAo?t=2127

Nicodemus: “Is the Kingdom of God really coming?”

Jesus: “What does your heart tell you?”

Nicodemus: “My heart is swollen with fear and wonder and can tell me nothing except that I am standing on holy ground. (Kneeling, kissing Jesus’s hand, and quoting from Psalm 2): “Kiss the Son lest He be angry and you perish in the way….”

Jesus (raising Nicodemus to his feet and finishing the quotation): “…Blessed are all those who take refuge in Him.”

Dialogue from The Chosen

Is the Kingdom of God really coming?

Nicodemus from the TV series, The Chosen

In this episode I’ll also share a story of a time when we saw God’s Kingdom at work through healing, and how it brought so much more than physical restoration alone.

I hope you enjoy today’s episode. Now that we’ve laid a solid groundwork to understand God’s Kingdom and Holy Spirit, I’m really looking forward to next week when we will move on to learning more about angels and their role in His work on this Earth as it is in Heaven.

Do you have a testimony about angels? Click here to email me!


Worship Lyrics

Follow along in worship with me with the lyrics to “God I Look to You” below:

God I Look to You
Ian McIntosh | Jenn Johnson

God I look to You, I won’t be overwhelmed
Give me vision to see things like You do
God I look to You, You're where my help comes from
Give me wisdom, You know just what to do

And I will love You Lord my strength
And I will love You Lord my shield
And I will love You Lord my rock
Forever all my days I will love You God

Hallelujah our God reigns
Hallelujah our God reigns
Hallelujah our God reigns
Forever all my days Hallelujah

Episode 05: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit, and Angels, Part I

This week we’re diving into a new series on the topics of the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit, and angels. Those might sound like some heavy topics, but don’t worry–we’ll spend quality time in today’s episode laying out a Biblical foundation to it all.

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Hebrews 1:14

But before we get to angels, it’s vital to understand the dominion of King Jesus—his Kingdom come—and what that looks like. We’ll see how the Holy Spirit plays an essential part in bringing his kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven.” And how the baptism of Jesus paints a beautiful picture of this when Father, Son and Holy Spirit all come together in communion.

Plus, I’ll also be sharing an unforgettable experience I had while ministering on the streets of Pittsburgh. You don’t want to miss this story of how the power of God fell when we focused on praising the Lord, and the fruit that came of it!

Today’s worship lyrics are below if you would like to follow along:

You Are So Good to Me
100 Portraits & Waterdeep

You are so good to me
You heal my broken heart
You are my father in Heaven

You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
   And I will sing again

You ride upon the clouds
You lead me to the truth
You are the Spirit inside me

You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
   And I will sing again

You are my strong melody, yeah
You are my dancing rhythm
You are my perfect rhyme
   And I will sing of You forever

You poured out all Your blood
You died upon the cross
You are my Jesus who loves me

You are my Father in Heaven
You are the Spirit inside me
You are my Jesus who loves me

In preparation for next week, please spend some time reading John chapter 3 about Nicodemus and his encounter with Christ. We’ll start there next time to dig in deep to the angelic realm.

Do you have an angel encounter story? Email me at [email protected].


Books referenced in this episode

Angel Armies: Releasing the Warriors of Heaven by Tim Sheets

Angels are for Real by Judith Macnutt

Episode 04: The Secret Place, Part II

Do you want to live your life under God’s protection? Read Psalm 91 with me in this week’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina and hear about the incredible promises for us included in this scripture. And I’ll be sharing some personal stories of times when I saw the true power of these promises played out in my own life.

If you missed Part I of this teaching, you can get caught up by watching the video here. I also encourage you to follow along throughout the teaching in your own Bible and take notes.

We’ll start this week with my song “Secret Place,” which I introduced last week. If you would like to worship along with me you can view the words below.

by Tina Wurschmidt | Download

Here I sit in that secret place
  resting in my Savior's arms
I'm broken yet I'm welcome by your grace
  you have overcome the dark

And we will fly like eagles
  and we will go to the Holy Place
And we will fly like eagles
  and see you face to face

I want to know you more
  even as I'm known
In the stillness before
  your holy throne

Holy, holy, holy
  Holy are You Lord (x2)

Here I sit in the secret place
  resting in my Savior's arms

I’m excited to announce that I will be starting a new 4-week series through the Advent season beginning next week. We will explore biblical accounts of angels and I will share stories from my own life and the lives of people I know who have had encounters with angels. I look forward to sharing these with you in the coming weeks.

Happy Thanksgiving! See you next Tuesday.

Episode 03: The Secret Place

It’s hard to find a Psalm more relevant to our day than Psalm 91. Written during a pandemic, this passage offers incredible encouragement for us today. In this episode of Tuesdays with Tina we will soak in the promises of God found in this Psalm, finding powerful assurances of his protection when fear and death surround us.

When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm.

Psalm 91:9-10 (TPT)

Just like an eagle spreads its wings over its nest to protect its young, the Lord protects us when we abide in His shadow. In this “secret place” we can decree the promises of God in worship through song or simply speaking his word out loud and further stir our faith and trust in Him.

This teaching wraps up with one of my new songs, Secret Place. I hope you will join me in worship. You can view the lyrics to the songs from this video below to follow along.

Worship Lyrics

Lord Prepare Me
by Tina Wurschmidt

Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary 
  filled with the glory of God (x2)

Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary 
  within your heart, within Your heart (x2)

I wanna be one in You (x2)

Lord prepare me to be hidden in You
  resting in your arms (x2)

Lord prepare me as I’m hidden in You 
  sharing your goodness oh God (x2)
by Tina Wurschmidt | Download

Here I sit in that secret place
  resting in my Savior's arms
I'm broken yet I'm welcome by your grace
  you have overcome the dark

And we will fly like eagles
  and we will go to the Holy Place
And we will fly like eagles
  and see you face to face

I want to know you more
  even as I'm known
In the stillness before
  your holy throne

Holy, holy, holy
  Holy are You Lord (x2)

Here I sit in the secret place
  resting in my Savior's arms

Thank you so much for joining me today. We’ll wrap up Psalm 91 next week, and then will move on to an exciting new topic. Stay tuned!

In Him,