Song of the Bride

Today I’m sharing a song from one of my very first albums. The Song of the Bride speaks to the beautiful transformation we experience when we pick up our cross and die to ourselves, being made one with Christ through his suffering and love.

This song came about as I was reading the first chapter of Revelation where “someone like a son of man” was among seven golden lampstands (Rev. 1:12-20). As I was in prayer I saw a vision of Jesus walking among the lampstands, looking for the one filled with the pure oil of His love. Although this song was written years ago, it is so applicable to our time now. The church needs to rise and shine, burning the oil of His love! (For more reading on the love of Jesus and the oneness we have with Him, read 1 Cor. 13:1 and John 17:20-23.)


Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


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It’s Your Blood: Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement)

It’s Tuesdays with Tina! Rather than recording a new episode today, I’d like to share a song that the Lord gave to me in 2020, centered on the theme of the Blood of Jesus. I thought it was appropriate as we have just celebrated Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement).

The Day of Atonement carries a beautiful symbolic meaning, as it points our hearts to the sacrificial act of Jesus Christ on the Cross, where He made atonement for our sins. Atonement, in its essence, means to “cover” someone’s debt. What Jesus accomplished on the cross was the ultimate fulfillment of what the Law of Moses sacrificial system hoped to achieve. The sacrificial rituals described in the book of Leviticus were only a shadow of the full redemption that was to come on the cross.

Leviticus 16 offers a description of this very public ritual. The High Priest would enter the tent to make atoning sacrifices, first for himself, then for his family, and finally for the entire family of Israel. In reading the New Testament we can look back at these symbols and realize that it is impossible for us to fulfill the Law. Only Jesus, our Great High Priest, can once and for all forgive us of our sins.

As you listen to the song, let the blood of Jesus wash over you and be thankful for what He did for us on the Cross. As Romans 5:8 reminds us, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


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Ep. 67: The Lifting of the Veil

This past Friday night, just as the sun was setting, I had an incredible experience with the Lord. I had just gone into my den to sit with my Bible when a sudden holy hush washed over me.

It is no coincidence that this past Friday night also marked the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of the Trumpets, marking the start of the Hebrew new year, 5784 – known as the “Year of the Open Door.”

As I sat in stillness before the Lord that evening, it felt as though a door had swung wide open, granting me a glimpse of heaven itself. In today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina, I’m excited to share what the Lord spoke to me during this quiet moment.

I firmly believe that the Lord is calling “watchmen journalists,” tasked with the mission to expose and combat the corruption plaguing our nation. But we can take heart by clinging to the promises outlined in Psalm 91, as we seek refuge and protection in Him.

Clips & Resources


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Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …

Ep. 66: Snare of the Fowler – 9/11

In the wee hours of the morning yesterday the Holy Spirit reminded me of something that He spoke to my heart 22 years ago on 9/11/01. On today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina, I’ll share that story and then move into a time of teaching as we continue in Psalm 91. I’ll also walk through the words of a song God gave me that comes from my album Healing Oil called “As I Gaze.”

So let’s gaze upon the Lord together today and see our reflection in His eyes!


Additional Clips & Resources


Subscribe via email to receive each episode of Tuesdays with Tina straight to your inbox once it’s published. Enter your email address below.


Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …

Ep. 65: The Secret Place – Worship, Teaching & Updates on the Lahaina Fires

In this time of great chaos God is moving to raise up His army. The enemy is overplaying his hand and now God’s truth is being revealed!

Today I’ll share a couple powerful words of encouragement from the Lord as we dive back into Psalm 91. We’ll meditate on the “Secret Place” we have in Him and ways we can grow our intimacy with the Lord.

In addition, I’ll share more information and discernment about the Maui Fires. As more information comes out about this terrible tragedy, we now have more questions than answers. One thing is clear–we must continue to pray and press our leaders to find the truth.


Clips & Resources
August 21, 2023
KEEP ARISING by Diana Larkin

As we see SMOKE RISING from enemy-set FIRES, the Father is CHALLENGING us to KEEP ARISING…
I awakened at 1:29am and grabbed my dream journal, as I heard the Father begin to speak:

“KEEP ARISING until your enemies have been PUT BENEATH YOUR FEET. Don’t WORRY if they keep THROWING SCHEMES at you. KEEP ARISING in response, knowing WE WILL WIN! KEEP ARISING means to CONTINUE to BELIEVE My PROMISES for your Land. KEEP ARISING means DECLARING with more and more CONVICTION that, ‘You have LOST and we have WON!’ KEEP ARISING are your words of WORSHIP and SONGS of PRAISE. KEEP ARISING is REHEARSING everything I have done for you in the past, and everything I have PROMISED that the FUTURE HOLDS for you and your Nation. KEEP ARISING is like Holy Spirit SMOKE RISING and FILLING the SIGHT of the enemy so that they CANNOT SEE what is before them. KEEP ARISING means WORDS of HOPE for a GOOD FUTURE declared into the atmosphere until the AIRWAVES are BLOCKED, and the enemy COMMUNICATIONS are CUT. (Here is a sample declaration: ‘I declare that the ground the enemy burned will now become very rich, fertile ground that will yield one hundredfold crops!’) The POWER released as you KEEP ARISING will cause them to RUN OUT of AMMUNITION and then you will WITNESS the RATS TURNING ON ONE ANOTHER, as their ship SINKS—never to rise again. The darkness thinks you will FOLD and COWER in FEAR before their ONSLAUGHT. Let’s SURPRISE them, shall we? KEEP ARISING in My POWER and tell the enemy, ‘You are UNDER MY FEET!’ VICTORY IS ASSURED AS YOU KEEP ARISING.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal
A Watchman's Journal Blog:

Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


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Ep. 64: Draw Me So Close – Psalm 91

“Draw me into that secret place, the Sanctuary within my heart…”

In today’s episode I’ll open up with a worship song I wrote years ago that invites us to draw so close to God that we can feel His own heart. And thanks to the Holy Spirit that dwells within us we can do just that.

Join me as I share important updates about the Maui wildfires along with powerful dreams and visions that led up to recent events. We’ll reflect on everything in light of Psalm 91, a beautiful psalm that invites us to draw into a place of safety as we’re “hidden in the strength of God Most High.”

I’ll also share some trusted resources for you to support those in need of help in Maui at this time and ways we can pray for truth to be revealed in these times of chaos. Don’t miss it!

Resources, Links & More

Maui Wildfire Relief Organizations

These are just a few of many great organizations working to bring relief to the residents of Maui affected by the recent wildfires.

Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


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Ep. 63: The Heart of Jesus

On today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina we’ll dive into John chapter 8, the passage of the adulterous woman who was brought before Jesus by the Pharisees. The heart of Jesus shines through in this story as he challenges the religious leaders and transforms this woman’s life in a surprising and intentional way.

I believe the Lord is doing the same today in our lives, as he desires to break the power of the religious spirit and challenge the lukewarm church—all motivated by his powerful love for us.

Don’t miss today’s episode, plus extra clips and resources shared below!


Resources & More

Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


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Ep. 62: Grace Triumphs!

I’m back today with an encouraging message about God’s grace! Along with some new updates and encouraging stories, I’ll share a powerful dream I had and the amazing way the Lord confirmed it. I’ll interpret what the dream represents and expand upon it through today’s message based on God’s Word. Spoiler alert: grace always triumphs over judgement!

Be encouraged and please take time to explore the additional clips, books and references I have shared in the notes for today’s episode.


Clips, Resources & More

Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


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Ep. 61: Fighting for FREEDOM

I’m back today with an UPDATE and a link back to The Republic Wins, an episode based on a dream that is relevant now more than ever.

Like many others, we spent our 4th of July seeing the newly released movie, Sound of Freedom. Based on the true story of Tim Ballard who fights for sex-trafficked children, I believe this movie is playing a huge part in waking up our nation. God is revealing the evil we’re battling and is using this issue to unite our divided nation.

Today, you’ll also hear me share what it means to be part of a Constitutional Republic and the vision for religious freedom set out by Pennsylvania’s founder, William Penn.

Be sure to watch through to the end where I share a prayer strategy to “paint our borders” with the oil of His anointing, along with clips, resources and a recording of my original song, You Are Lord.

Finally, if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my email list to continue receiving weekly updates from Tuesdays with Tina!


Resources + More

“Painting our Borders” Prayer Strategy


Subscribe via email to receive each episode of Tuesdays with Tina straight to your inbox once it’s published. Enter your email address below.


Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …

REPOST: The Coming of the Bridegroom, Part 2

Happy Independence Day! Today’s episode is Part 2 of a rebroadcast from “The Coming of the Bridegroom” teaching from November 2021 where I share the parable of the ten virgins from Matthew 25:1-13. We’ll dig in verse-by-verse to uncover what the “oil” is, how we get it, and—ultimately—what we truly need to be prepared for the coming of the bridegroom.

The episode wraps up today with my song, Healing Oil. I’ve also included a video of the recorded version here. I welcome you to check out more songs from this CD and others on my music page.

So spend time today in His presence and get your own oil—that oil of intimacy with Jesus. May your lamps be full so that when Jesus comes back for his bride you are ready to enter into the wedding banquet!


Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


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