Episode 22: Ask, Listen, Go – Part II – Sacrificial Intercession Reveals God’s Strategy

Esther shows us a powerful, symbolic example of the relationship between worship and intercession. By identifying with her people and preparing herself through prayer and fasting, Esther received the strategy she needed to go before the king. This principle is seen in so many instances throughout Scripture and is vital to understand as we seek God’s plan for our lives and world.

Intercession itself is a sacrificial act. We pray on behalf of others, humbling ourselves and identifying with them in a very personal way. As we do so the Lord changes our heart and reveals His perfect strategy. Are you willing to go to God first and wait on Him for your next steps?

(Be sure to catch up on last week’s teaching for Part I of this message!)


Worship Lyrics

Behold the Lamb
Words and Music by Tina Wurschmidt
Copyright 2015 - Three Streams Publishing

Worthy is the Lamb, the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world
Worthy is the Lamb, who humbly left His throne, to put on our flesh and bones
And His Kingdom came, and this world would never be the same
He forgave our sins, in the Power of His Father's Name for You and me

Behold the Lamb, Behold the Lamb
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world

Holy is the Father whose eyes are too pure to look upon this evil world
Holy is the Father who had to look away from His own Son upon that day
And as the Son cried out, Father why have you forsaken me
In that moment separated by the sin that He was carrying for You and Me!

For God sent His Son in the fullness of time
This perfect spotless Lamb, came to bleed and die
He rose from the grave with the power to save
All who put their trust in His Holy Name

Behold the Lamb, Behold the Lamb
Behold the Lamb of God who gave his life to conquer sin and death
Behold the Lamb of God who gave his life to conquer sin and death

Hallelujah, He has risen, Hallelujah to the Lamb
Hallelujah, He has risen, Hallelujah to the Lamb

Behold the Lamb

Recommended Reading

The Hidden Power of Prayer & Fasting; Mahesh Chavda

Reese Howells, Intercessor; Norman Grubb

Hearing God’s Voice Made Simple (The Kingdom of God Made Simple, #3) by Praying Medic

Prophecy by Kent Christmas (Scroll to 45-minute mark!)


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Episode 21: Ask, Listen, Go – How God Reveals His Heart in Prayer; Part 1

How can we most effectively pray about the current events happening in our world?

Years ago, the Lord gave me a beautiful dream from the book of Esther that initiated an incredible journey into a life of intercession. In today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina I will share that story along with examples of Biblical prayer and intercession that moves the heart of God to action.

I pray that the mantle of authority in prayer would be passed on to you as you listen to today’s message and that you would be mobilized to pray from God’s own heart.


Worship Lyrics

It's Your Blood
Words and Music by Tina Wurschmidt

Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
Mighty, Mighty are You
Mighty, Mighty are You

Cause it's Your blood that sets me free
And it's Your blood washing over me
Yeah it's Your blood that sets me free
It's Your blood washing over me

Lion of Judah is coming back for His bride
Holy, Holy are You
Holy, Holy are You

There's power in the blood, power in the blood of the Lamb
There's power in the blood, power in the blood of the Great I Am

Mary Grace: Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Mary Grace: “Motivate, Activate and Educate”

Can you hear the shofar?


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Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …
Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …

Episode 20: Mobilizing God’s Army

From Daniel chapter 2; depiction of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream

As we take a look at current global events through the lens of Scripture, it’s clear that God is activating the army of His people to expose and push back against the dark forces at work in our world. On today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina I’ll discuss the globalist agenda that’s playing out, plus some personal stories and what the Lord is showing me through all of this.

We know that it is not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit that we can rise up and conquer the evil at work in the world to bring in a harvest of souls in the mighty end time outpouring that is to come.

In Him,

Worship Lyrics

Jesus (Ruler of the Universe)
2021 Tina Wurschmidt

You're the firstborn of Creation
Maker of the heavens and the earth
You're the light that dispels darkness
The breath of life within me
That brings new life

Jesus, Jesus, there is no one like You
There is none beside You
Jesus, Jesus ruler of the universe
King of all the nations
Jesus, Jesus Oh

You're the fullness of the Father
Perfect image of His glory
In His Love
By Your blood You have restored us
To the purpose of the Father
From above

In You all things are made new
In You all things are made new
In you all things are made new, Jesus

Mary Grace interviews CIA insider about Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Globalism and the transhuman agenda

“History began when humans invented gods and it will end when humans become gods,” said Yuval Noah Harari, an outspoken transhumanist and popular speaker at the World Economic Forum. As a historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, his ideas and warnings for the future have been called revolutionary, provocative and alarming. We need to understand and take our places as watchmen on the wall as transhumanism gains steam.

Read more about Transhumanism on this blog post at Intercessors for America

Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …
Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


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Episode 19: Mobilizing Angels Through Prayer to Fight for the Nations

Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, obedient to his spoken word.

Psalm 103:30

Over the past few weeks we’ve learned about angels who deliver messages, angels who minister to us and protect us, and angels who are sent to heal. But before they can do any of that important work, angels are called to wait⁠—and wait to be called.

As believers, we have an important part to play in mobilizing angels. There are angels just waiting for us to pray what is on God’s heart back to Him so that they can get to work!

Join me in today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina as we explore the vital role we play in mobilizing God’s angels through prayer, along with some incredible real-life stories and implications within our current world.


Worship Lyrics

Tender Mercy 
Ben and Robin Pasley
1999 Blue Renaissance Music

Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, and all my deepest parts
Give praise to the One who pulled you out of darkness

Tender Mercy, You forgive me
Slow to anger, quick to love

As high as the mountains try
Your love falls all around me
As wide as the east to west
My sins are taken from me

Podcast with Lara Logan

Video referenced today: God Save Ukraine

Boomerangs, by Dutch Sheets

God often used allegorical pictures in Scripture to present a truth or concept. From referring to Christ as a lamb or His Word as a seed and sword, Holy Spirit frequently used the physical realm to picture spiritual truths. He still does so today and recently gave my brother, Tim, an interesting word regarding boomerangs and highways. I believe you will be encouraged by the following word.

We are in days of shaking and change. Hebrews 12 tells us that everything which can be shaken will be shaken. It also says we are part of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. The shaking will set believers free to be the true New Testament church – an Ekklesia that rules and reigns with our King.

Read more at Dutch Sheets: Give Him 15

Further reading

Angel Armies: Releasing the Warriors of Heaven, by Tim Sheets

Episode 18: Hearing God’s Voice in the Midst of the Shaking

My friend Amy returns again on this week’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina. During these times of trial throughout the world, this is one conversation that is sure to encourage. Amy explains how the Lord draws us near to him during times of shaking, and how we can draw closer into a personal relationship with Him through worship and praise. Hear more on what the Lord is saying to his church today, plus some links to words, worship and, of course, testimonies of angel encounters! I hope you’ll join me in watching this week.


Like a Tree
Words and music by Justin Rizzo

I want to be unmovabele, unshakeable
Let my roots go down deep
Unmovable, unshakeable to You 

And I want to be like a tree
Planted by the stream of living wanter
And I want to be like a tree
Planted by the stream of living water

This will be my song God
This will be my prayer
Till the end Till the end

In the midst of the coming storm
In the midst of the coming blessing
My life will be built on the Rock
And I will not be moved
I will not be shaken

Scripture from today’s teaching

Dig into the scriptures from today’s teaching:

Psalm 60:1-5; 11-12

1 Corinthians 6:19

Revelation 21:3

2 Chronicles 29

Teaching on Emotional Healing by The Praying Medic

Word by Kathi Pelton

You Are Being Positioned for Purity and Authority

Kathi Pelton

The body of Christ is in a divine preparation time that will bring forth a deep purity of heart. This purity is required so that she can walk in a greater level of authority then she has walked in prior to this time. 

So many of his sons and daughters are yielding to the refining process that he has initiated by God. A posture of surrender is required in order to willingly yield to his refining fire. He does not force it, he invites us into the process of purification. 

This is a time to be intentional about your positioning and purity. It is a time to partner with the Spirit of the Lord to fully allow the purification process to bring forth gold. Recently I heard a story about how the refinement of gold takes many steps— but the final step is when they extract the silver from the gold. Though silver is a desirable and valuable metal, it too, must be removed to have pure gold. 

Like the silver, God is extracting even the things that the world considers valuable from his bride so that she is found pure and without mixture. In John 14:30 Jesus says that “…the ruler of this world approaches but he will have no power over me.” Some versions say, “…he has nothing in me.” The refinement process is a process that brings protection as well. It removes the impurities and the mixture, so that we too can say, “he has nothing in me!” 

As we prepare to enter the season of spring, I hear the familiar verses from Song of Solomon 2,

“My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past; The rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; The time of the singing of birds is come, And the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in our land; The fig-tree ripeneth her green figs, And the vines are in blossom; They give forth their fragrance. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, In the covert of the steep place, Let me see thy countenance, Let me hear thy voice; For sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. Song of Solomon‬ ‭2:10-14

There is an invitation to come away with our beloved in a sacred romance, yet the following verse brings a warning because the evil one desires to destroy the purity and intimacy between the Lord and his bride. 

“Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes, That spoil the vineyards; For our vineyards are in blossom.” Song of Solomon 2:15

The vineyards bloom before the tender fruit is seen upon the vines. If protected, each tiny flower will become a piece of fruit on the vine. Each one makes up clusters of grapes which will be pressed to yield new wine. But, the enemy sends foxes, EVEN LITTLE FOXES, in to spoil the blossoms before they can become fruit. We must partner with the Spirit to catch even the “little foxes” that have come to destroy our tender blossoms. 

God is even going after the “silver” so that we are pure gold and the enemy will find no place in us to release his foxes. 

There is a new level of authority that we will be entrusted with in the days ahead but we cannot walk in this authority and remain protected if we are not first purified from mixture. God is refining the motives of our heart, he is removing offenses, he is asking for us to forgive those who have offended us, he is removing judgements from our hearts and he is purifying love. 

This is our protection— purity is protection because we cannot be a “house divided.” This is a divine work of the Holy Spirit and yet, it takes our surrender and cooperation. We must say, “Purify and search my heart, Lord.” 

Just as Queen Esther went through many stages of purification or beautification before approaching her king— we too must be prepared before we watch demonic decrees overruled by righteous rulings. We have just passed through Purim, the celebration of when Esther’s act of approaching her king (even  revealing her Jewish bloodline— the king had just signed a decree to have all Jews killed) was used to save the her people. I sense that between Purim and late Spring (through May) that we are to intentionally partner and cooperative with our Beloved to “catch those little foxes” that have been sent to destroy thr blossoms and the formation of the tender fruit. 

We say, “Extract even the silver, Lord” We come to buy gold— pure gold. We yield to your refining fire that purifies, protects and promotes us into new levels of authority that will nullify demonic decrees and establish righteous justice and mercy over people groups and nations.

Episode 17: Repentance and Healing the Wounds in the Land

We jump in today with the story of Daniel and a beautiful illustration of what I call “identificational repentance,” or, crying out to God for forgiveness on behalf of others. Daniel identified with the sin of his forefathers and this act of repentance led to a powerful angelic encounter.

Even today, this attitude of repentance can have a major impact on ourselves and those around us, leading to healing and reconciliation. One of the most relevant instances, for me, was when the Lord broke my heart for the poor in the early days of our ministry. I’ll share that story today and more in this week’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina.


Painting by Akiane Kramarik

Worship Lyrics

All Glory and Honor
Words and music by Tina Wurschmidt

All glory and honor belong to our God
All glory and honor belong to our King

Jesus You are Holy
Jesus You are Worthy
Jesus You are Mighty to Save

That's why we sing high praises
Day and night, night and day proclaim
That's why we sing high praises
Day and night, night and day proclaim
That you are God the only one
You are God the risen King

All wisdom and power belong to our God
All wisdom and power belong to our King

Books from this Episode

Healing America’s Wounds, by John Dawson

Video referenced today


Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …
Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …


Episode 16: Testimonies of Healing from COVID-19

In today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina, I’m joined by my friend Amy who will share a few amazing testimonies of God’s healing power over COVID-19.

A few weeks back (see Episode 9) I shared how God is giving us the keys in prayer to deliver people from COVID. In a powerful prayer video (scroll down to view!), Ken Fish details precisely how to pray for someone with COVID based on Psalm 91—which was written during a pandemic. Now, we are seeing the incredible fruit of this targeted prayer in our own lives!

What a beautiful reminder that God is our healer and that he always wants us to turn to him first when we are sick. When we do, incredible things can happen!


Worship Song – So Come

So Come
Kevin Prosch 

You have taken the precious
From the worthless and given us
Beauty for ashes, love for hate

You have chosen the weak things
Of the world to shame that which is strong
And foolish things to shame the wise

You are help to the helpless
Strength to the strengthless
And a father to the child who's left alone

And the thirsty You've invited
To come to the waters
And those who have no money come and buy

So come
So come
So come
So come

Behold the days are coming
For the Lord has promised
That the plowman will overtake the reaper

And our hearts will be the threshing floor
And the move of God we've cried out for Will come,
it will surely come

For You will shake the heavens
And fill your house with glory
And turn the shame of outcasts into praise

All creation groans and waits
For the Spirit and the bride to say
The words that your heart had longed to hear

So come
So come
So come
Even So come

Prayer for COVID-19 by Ken Fish

Healing Prayer with The Praying Medic


Subscribe via email to receive each episode of Tuesdays with Tina straight to your inbox once it’s published. Enter your email address below.


Catch up on previous episodes

Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …
Ep. 84: Supernatural Stories with Judith MacNutt
I'm thrilled to share today's special episode featuring Judith MacNutt, President and co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL. Judith, author of Angels Are for Real, Encountering …
Ep. 83: The Gift of Prophecy vs. Leviathan
In today's episode, we move into the second part of Psalm 91, exploring the spiritual weapons at our disposal to combat "Leviathan," a cultural principality that distorts and …
Ep. 82: Holy Spirit vs. Leviathan
Today's focus is on Leviathan, a principality that aims to stifle the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Along with the religious spirit and the spirit of …
Ep. 81: Overcoming Jezebel
As we move into offensive mode, the shaking and "turbulence" is going to increase. It's time to press into Jesus, and fully clothe ourselves with the armor of …

More episodes

Episode 15: Angels and Warfare

This is the year of the releasing of angels. There is no doubt that we are living in exciting times and each day we see the Lord releasing an outpouring of revelation.

In today’s episode of “Tuesdays with Tina,” we’ll continue in the theme of Angels and Warfare with a personal testimony by my friend Blanche Heidengren. I’ve also included an incredible clip Tomi Arayomi, who speaks to a personal experience with an angel. Scroll down for the clip!

For our worship today, I’m joined by my two grandchildren who will help me sing one of my new songs, “You Reign.” This is one episode you won’t want to miss!


Tomi Arayomi Testimony

Worship Video & Lyrics

You Reign

Music by Tina Wurschmidt
Lyrics by Tina Wurschmidt and Lilia Houck

We give you all the honor
We give you all the glory
We give you all the praise due Your Name
for You are Lord

You reign, You reign on high
Over all, the earth and sky You reign
Jesus, You reign over all
You reign over heaven above
And the deepest depths below, You reign
Jesus, You reign over  all
Jesus, You reign, Jesus You reign

We worship and adore You
With all our hearts before You
We give You all the praise due Your name
For You are Lord 

You reign, You reign over heaven
You reign over all the earth
You reign over highest mountains
You reign over deepest seas

You reign, Jesus You reign, Jesus You reign

Books Referenced in This Episode

Angels – Who They Are and How They Help; by Dr. David Jeremiah

How to See in the Spirit: A Practical Guide on Engaging the Spirit Realm, by Michael Van Vlymen

Episode 14: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit and Angels

When the COVID-19 shutdowns struck, the poor, homeless and those struggling with addiction were some of the hardest hit. As people lost hope and their connection to community, many fell back to drugs and alcohol opening the door to spiritual oppression. In today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina, I’ll share some personal stories from our ministry that speaks to the spiritual warfare we have seen first-hand and the power of Jesus’ name.

I’m also including some powerful videos from Dutch Sheets and Wanda Alger below if you would like to go deeper into the topics you heard about today.

Correction: Please note that the verse referenced in the story of Elisha is actually 2 Kings 6 (not 1 Kings 6 as stated).

In Him,

Videos Referenced in Today’s Episode

Worship Lyrics

Surrounded (Fight My Battles)

There's a table that You've prepared for me
In the presence of my enemies
It's Your body and Your blood You've shed for me
This is how I fight my battles

And I believe You've overcome
And I will lift my song of praise for what You've done

This is how I fight my battles
This is how I fight my battles
This is how I fight my battles
This is how

In the valley I know that You're with me
And surely Your goodness and mercy follow me
So my weapons are praise and thanksgiving
This is how I fight my battles

It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by You
It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by You

Episode 13: The Kingdom, The Holy Spirit and Angels

The angelic realm becomes more and more active each day as we draw nearer to Jesus’ return. Even in our daily life, we can encounter angels without even knowing. I hope that the stories of angelic encounters I share on today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina will open your eyes to this reality and inspire you to desire intimacy with Him. The intimacy with Jesus in the supernatural is what brings us into his Kingdom.

I’ll be referencing a video, books and an upcoming class today, all of which you’ll find below!

Please join me in worship with a new song, Mighty Breath of God. Scroll down to follow along with the lyrics.


Worship Lyrics

Mighty Breath of God
Words and music by Tina Wurschmidt

I come before You to seek Your face
By the blood boldy into that Holy place (2x)

Mighty breath of God
Mighty breath of God come blow upon the garden of my heart
Mighty breath of God
Mighty breath of God I need a new beginning a new start
Mighty breath of God

I come before You to worship at Your feet
To that special place that You and I can meet (2x)

Fire of love come and burn within my heart

Hammer School of the Prophets

As I mentioned in today’s message, I will be participating in an upcoming online class, “Hammer School of the Prophets.” Register to join us beginning March 3rd as we meet each Thursday night online via Messenger Groups from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM. You can learn more about the class on the Hammer School of Prophets Facebook Group, or click the link below if you would like to register to attend.

Resources referenced in this episode

Angels Are for Real: Inspiring True Stories and Biblical Answers, by Judith MacNutt

Encountering Angels: True Stories of How They Touch Our Lives Every Day, by Judith MacNutt

How to See in the Spirit: A Practical Guide on Engaging the Spirit Realm, Michael Van Vlymen